Beep Beep!

This kid loves building ROBOTS!

Follow @VihaanAkshaay
Santa Barbara, California


Python, C++, Ruby, HTML, MATLAB, Mathematica, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, ROS (Robot Operating System), PCL(Point Cloud Library), Gazebo, RViz, Blender, Fusion360, Jupyter, Git, Linux

Probabilistic Robotic Algorithms (Localization, Mapping, SLAM, Path planning and Navigation), Applied Deep Reinforcement Learning, Innovative Robotic Solution Modelling, Fusion360

Coding Activity


Life is a continuous learning journey! I am an enthusiastic and dedicated graduate student, currently pursuing a Master of Science in Computer Science. My background includes a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and an M.Tech in Robotics from IIT Madras. I am versatile, quick to grasp new concepts, and enjoy collaboration. My current focus is on Deep Reinforcement Learning and Robotics. My ambition is to develop embodied AI systems that continuously learn from human interaction, envisioning a future where robots become integral, ever-learning assistants in our daily lives.


Master of Science

University of California, Santa Barbara

Master of Science in Computer Science (Machine Learning Specialization)

Dual Degree (B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering + M.Tech in Robotics)

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering & Inter Disciplinary Master of Technology in Robotics

Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree


Programmed various robots in simulation and worked with Jetson TX2 hardware implementing various robotic algorithms(Localization, Mapping, SLAM, Path Planning and Navigation, 3D perception, Deep Learning, Manipulator Kinematics) and tools(ROS using python & C++, RViz, Gazebo and more).


Bi-Directional Goal-Conditioning for State Space Search Problems

Developed the ‘SRE-DQN’ (Scrambler-Resolver-Explorer) framework, leveraging bi-directional task generation through ‘Foresight Relabelling’ and goal-conditioned DQN.

Cascaded Deep Monocular 3D Pose Estimation with Evolutionary Synthetic Training Data

With the first step of identifying key points from ample raw video data for unsupervised behavior recognition using option discovery, this project proposes using open-source three-dimensional synthetic animated mouse models to improve existing pose and estimation models.

AI for Earth - Landslide Detection

Developing a deep learning model for landslide prediction using Multi-band Satellite Imagery, benchmarking against Mask RCNN and YOLO models for effective instance segmentation across diverse regions.

Interactive Traffic Classification using Semi-Supervised Graphical Approaches

By leveraging graphical machine learning models (such as GCN and DGCNN), using psuedo-labeling and exploiting the dependencies between bursts, we achieved near State-of-the-Art performance in interactive network traffic classification with smaller models (0.2% the size of a BERT-based model).

ARTEMIS - Railroad Crack Detection Robot

ARTEMIS is an autonomous robot that traverses inbetween the railway tracks, detects faults and sends the coordinates for further action to be taken.

Robotic Arm - Pick and Place

The goal of the project is to solve is to simulate a robotic arm and perform a pick-and-place exercise very similar to Amazon Robotics Challenge.

3D Perception Project

The goal of this project is to program a PR2 to identify and acquire target objects from a cluttered space and place them in a bin. The project is based on the 'Stow Task' portion of Amazon's Robotics Challenge.

Robotic Arm - Pick and Place

In a simulated environment, given camera input from a drone, the goal is to train a fully convoluted neural network to identify the location of a moving target and to control the drone to follow the same.

Work Experience

Graduate Student Researcher

Jackson Laboratory

Developed unsupervised techniques to discover stereotyped behaviours exhibited by mice moving in a fixed arena. Computer Vision models were used for pose estimation from video data recorded by Jackson Labs are improved. By modeling behaviours as hierarchies, new option discovery algorithms were implemented to identify repeated behaviours. Dr. Ravindran B, Indian Institute of Technology Madras & Dr. Vivek Kumar, Jackson Labs, Bar Harbor, Maine.

iBot(Robotics) Club Head

iBot Club, Centre for Innovation

Managed and mentored various projects as well as conducted robotics oriented session with the aim of improving the tech culture in the institute.

Robotics Intern

Ramakrishna Math, Chennai

Worked on 'Biley Bot', a lifelike, interactive humanoid robot of young Swami Vivekananda, soon to be displayed in Vivekanandar House Museum, Chennai.

Summer Engineering Intern

Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd

Industrial internship with on-field experience from a reputed manufacturing factory. Experience on workshop floor included a project study on Backdoor Cushion Rubber Miss Elimination.