[Incomplete] A handbook with concepts and terms for Language conditioned RL

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Re-occuring Models and Papers:

MCIL: Multi-context imitation learning

Multi-context learning is a framework for generalizing across heterogeneous task and goal descriptions. In a nutshell: Collect trajectories (also called ‘play’s in the paper). Look at the end and get image of goal states or some language description of the task. These images/texts are called contexts. Now a context conditioned policy function ($\pi_{\theta}(a_t|s_t,z)$) is trained with the MCIL objective function (where z is the context vector). Use seperate encoders for each scenario (ie image context or text context …) to get z(context vector).

HULC: Hierarchical Universal Language Conditioned Policies

Some terms

  • Natural lanuguage conditioned policy $\pi_{\theta}(a_t s_t,l)$ : outputs action $a_t \in \mathcal{A}$ conditioned on current state $s_t \in \mathcal{S}$ and free-form language instruction $l \in \mathcal{L}$.
About Vihaan Akshaay

Life is a continuous learning journey! I am an enthusiastic and dedicated graduate student, currently pursuing a Master of Science in Computer Science. My background includes a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and an M.Tech in Robotics from IIT Madras. I am versatile, quick to grasp new concepts, and enjoy collaboration. My current focus is on Deep Reinforcement Learning and Robotics. My ambition is to develop embodied AI systems that continuously learn from human interaction, envisioning a future where robots become integral, ever-learning assistants in our daily lives.

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